Thursday, March 15, 2007

south china sea

Hi freinds,
I'm writing from my parents new apartment in Macau, the world's biggest gambling city. There are other things to do here thankfully, like jog r0und the olympic stadium, which is directly across the road from the apartment - we can see the football pitch from the balcony..unfortunately there aren't any big games this week though.
My dad, purveyor of highly suspect 'facts' tells me that last year, mainland China, with its 1.4 billion residents and land-area the size of Europe, received 20 million visitors. Macau, with its population of 700,000, and about as much land as the average Canadian driveway, recieved 22 million. Thats a lot of passport stamps.
So I've been getting my visa and tickets sorted for the journey to Beijing, getting over my jet lag, singing for the adorable kids in my mums grade 1 class, enjoying the warm, sticky air, talking to my dad's parakeet, watching amusing Ming Dynasty soap operas on telly, trying the bizzarre new creations at MaiDangLao (McDonalds), and practicing my songs for next week.
I'm about to go to the University to listen to my dad lecture on Business Ethics. I've listened to my dad lecture us at the dinner table for years, so I want to witness him actually getting paid for it...
I have been taking a few pictures and will post a few as soon as I find a cable to connect to the computer. Watch out for another update from Beijing in a few days. I"ll let you know how the recording is going. Zai Jian!


Unknown said...

Sounds like an interesting trip...bu very urban.
Any rural trips planned?

Let's learn some language...what do you have for us Martin?

Mark Hebert said...

This is my new favorite blog. I like your style kid.